Chapter One :Chapter 1





  Theme: The chase and the she wolf MOON KINGDOM

  In the pounding full rush of raindrops exiting from the dark thundering clouds, seven hefty black clothed males pursued another male through the dark forest.

  They followed him, their footsteps coming closer on the thick, wet leaves of the forest floor as he picked up his pace to get away from his chasers. His eyes searched the dark for a safe place but his mind kicked against it.

  But against his mind’s disapproval, he hid behind a huge mahogany tree when he calculated that it was big enough to hold his big frame and weight.

  “You are an alpha king! Their king, so why run away like a coward!” His wolf voice snapped in his mind and it pulled him to a stop from running further again.

  Yes, he was the alpha king, the ruler of all wolves in America. He had been trained to be the strongest and bravest of all wolves. He had fought the war against his enemies which had proved that he was capable of being the alpha king.

  “He should be around! Find him, he can’t go far from here since he is injured!” The leader of the males snarled.

  The seven clothed males turned their heads taking in all their surroundings. How was he going to get past all of them with his injured body? He wondered.

  His breathe was too hard, sweat prickled down his face from his eyebrows as he gazed down at his bleeding side where a dagger had pierced him during a fight with the chasers.

  Wolves hated being around objects that are made from steel and iron, so getting stabbed by a steel, he needed to get treated as soon as possible.

  He swiped his jaw against his shoulder, an idea struck him immediately .

  “Let us teach these terrible wolves a great lesson!” His wolf snapped within, begging to be let out into the opening.

  And without wasting time, he shifted into his wolf form. A grey fur replaced his soft skin, his fingers changed into long and sharp claws and long canines replaced what had been a perfect dentition. The grey wolf had long bushy tail that was black tipped, it coat color was a mix of gray and brown with buffy markings and undersides.

  The wolf growled loudly into the dark night before getting its limbs into full action and that made it happier - it liked to be in full control.

  “You are the alpha king!” Those words rang in it head as it emerged from behind the tree.

  “Look, he changed into a wolf!” They tilted their heads towards it direction.

  And in a fast pace, the seven men shifted into their wolves forms of different colors. His wolf appeared to be quite bigger than the other wolves because he was the alpha king.

  Then his wolf started the race through the dark forest. The birds were silent as graveyard, they knew evil has come to their world.

  He howled into the air , making his alpha king presence known, giving his chasers a chance to quit and get away from him. But he was wrong.

  They have been trained by an enemy to kill the alpha king as the strongest of all wolves in the secret army.

  He pulled to a stop when he reached the edge of a cliff with a deep waterfall below. He turned to face his chasers, a warning growl at them but they howled back at him, neither of the wolves feeling intimidated by him.

  His wolf fumed in anger at their courage to take him down. It ego was bruised and it felt insulted by the guts of these mere wolves.

  He moved fiercely, devising a way in his mind to take down the seven wolves. Though he knew that his wolf would get hurt in the process of taking them all down but he would never die by their hands.

  A wolf charged at him but he dodged it bite and it fell off the cliff with a loud cry in the air. One wolf down - he counted.

  Two charged towards him again in an attempt to take him down. And while he fought them, another wolf came forward and clawed his back limb. Painful cries filled the air as he jammed his claws at the wolves bringing them all down. Four wolves down - he counted again.

  The three remaining wolves watched him howl a mournful cry, blood tickled down from his limbs and underside. Soon his wolf lost it balance and sprawled out on the floor as it grew weaker.

  The wolves approached him, his wolf tried to get back to it feet but was beginning to have a blur vision so it fell back down. One of the wolves pressed his bleeding side with it limb in an attempt to claw out the alpha king heart.

  He tried to fight back, he begged his wolf to be strong but it consciousness was beginning to slip away. Then it huffed in defeat, earning victorious growls from the other wolves.

  Suddenly another howl which was close by filled the sky and his wolf ears perked when it came again.

  The wolves turned away from the alpha king and tilted their heads towards the opposite direction and found another wolf staring back at them. It was a white she-wolf with sparkling blue eyes.

  He felt his wolf getting drawn to the stunning white wolf as it made another howl, a sign of warning and challenge at the same time. And it seemed to have a great effect on the other wolves because they withdrew and ran into the forest.

  His wolf nostrils flared at her scent which was sweet to it sense of smell.

  “Mate!” His wolf whispered.

  Recognition dawned on the she-wolf’s face as it stuck it nose in the air surveying the environment before returning her gaze at his dying wolf.

  Then she started towards his wolf, moving in such graceful strides until she got to his side. Her blue eyes shined as she raised her fore right limb towards his bleeding side and he felt his body wound closing up.

  His mate has magic even in her wolf form.

  “She is magical.” His wolf whispered before slipping into unconsciousness feeling safe under the fierce protection of his mate.

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